We are developing a Chief Happiness Officer training programme
Enroll in our training programme to become your organisation's first happiness expert
The value
In each company, well-established roles such as accountants, managers and human resource officers take care of matters vital to a company's bottom line. Despite being equally important for a company’s success, employee wellbeing largely does not warrant the same level of care.
We spend half our waking hours at work. Yet, there is no one person responsible for fostering a healthy, happy working environment. Often, managing matters such as employee wellbeing is outsourced in the form of surveys, but lacks a heart and soul.
Where to start? Put someone in charge of happiness. The Happiness Research Institute is leveraging years of data-driven research and analysis of happiness in the workplace to train you to become the next happiness expert of your organisation.
The Chief Happiness Officer training programme is currently under development. To be eligible for the programme you must have a Bachelor’s degree and 4-5 years of management experience.
Are you interested?
Programme structure
The Happiness Research Institute offers an intensive Chief Happiness Officer training programme with online and offline modules that will train individuals in understanding, analyzing, and acting on the basis of wellbeing data.
Theories and Methods of measuring wellbeing
Determinants of personal happiness
Future trends in happiness research
Theories about happiness at work
Measuring happiness in the workplace: Indicators
Measuring happiness in the workplace: Analysis
Online video sessions
Online workshop seminars
From theory to action: workplace interventions
Menue of evidence-based wellbeing initiatives
Evaluation and learnings from wellbeing initiatives
Three reasons for taking this course.
Many workplaces around the world tend to focus on objective performance indicators such as profitability, productivity, and customer loyalty. What is often overlooked is employee wellbeing and the enormous potential it can unlock, if addressed correctly.
Wellbeing is more than engagement.
​Employee engagement, motivation, and work experience. These terms have emerged recently due to the realization that a better working experience has positive spillover effects. Research shows that increasing the employee experience reduces absenteeism while increasing reported work quality and overall productivity. (Krekel et al., 2019)
However, employee wellbeing is more holistic than worker engagement. It is, amongst others, influenced by personal relationships with colleagues and management, perceived job security, and the autonomy, skills, and tasks of a person.
Reason 1: There is a need to properly educate managers about the science and evidence of subjective wellbeing research. Let us share our knowledge with you.
The wellbeing demand-supply mismatch.
We are currently experiencing a mismatch between employee demand for wellbeing and employer supply of wellbeing initiatives. Gallup's 2017 State of the American Workforce report, which studies close to 200,000 American employees, finds that 51% of the American workforce is disengaged (Gallup, 2017). A global study of more than 7000 workers shows that 69% of employees desire a workplace that focuses more on happiness. 87% of the study's respondents would appreciate a Chief Happiness Officer position in their workplace. (JLL, 2017)
Initiatives are needed to address this growing gap. Mental health and loneliness are rising in numbers, especially among younger generations. Known psychological risk factors such as burnout are well-researched, however exact prevalent numbers remain unknown due to a lack of comparable data. (Eurofound, 2021)
Reason 2: There is a growing demand of companies that are focusing on employee wellbeing. Become a global frontrunner.
Too little measurement of wellbeing.
Well-being initiatives start with the comprehensive measurement of employee wellbeing. According to Eurofound, only 27% of European companies are using data analytics to monitor employee performance and wellbeing. (Eurofound, 2020).
Measuring wellbeing is complex but not impossible. The right methods, questionnaires, and evaluation techniques are needed in order to go from data to action.